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Dr David Lemmon- Welcome to the Natural Cancer Support Channel. I’m Dr. David Lemmon, a naturopathic doctor and cancer expert. And I’m here to interview Dr. James Cima. He’s a functional medicine doctor and chiropractic doctor in Florida, and I’m so excited to spend this time with him, Dr. Cima, and welcome to the show.
Dr James Cima- Thanks, Dr. Lemmon
Dr David Lemmon- So it sounds like you have a really interesting story working with cancer patients back in the 80s with kind of a really interesting, controversial figure Dr. Kelly, tell us a little bit about that experience working with those patients and how you learned about health.
Dr James Cima- Well, when I came down to Florida back in 1980, 81, I was just starting my practice and I moved up to Palm Beach Gardens.
And just before that, I met a doctor who was specializing in nutrition and treating cancer patients. And his name was Dr. Beard. He was an osteopath. And he had patients coming from all over the United States through Dr. Kelly, William Donald Kelly, who started out as a dentist. And cured himself of pancreatic cancer back in the fifties and he was a pretty, pretty wild guy.
And so once he, once he did that, he decided I don’t want to practice dentistry anymore. I want to practice nutrition. So he just focused on building the whole nutritional regime of treating cancer patients. And he wrote a book. It wasn’t really much of a book back in the fifties called one answer to cancer.
So he was. Treating a lot of different cancer patients throughout the United States at the time, you know, was very controversial. They wound up pushing them out. I think he started in California. They pushed him out into Mexico because he did, they took away his license or they refused whatever he was doing to basically look at that as possibly something to help cancer.
And so he moved his whole practice down there and Dr. Beard I think spent a month with him learning all about his procedures. And so, as I got into Dr. Beard’s office, I really wanted to use nutrition in my practice, but I wasn’t exactly sure what it was that I wanted to do. And so working in Dr. Beard’s office, He had said to me, he goes, look, I’m treating a lot of cancer patients.
The chiropractic technique that you utilize, which is called sacral-occipital technique, Dr. Kelly really likes and would recommend that any of his patients have that treatment as well as the nutritional, and they were doing a lot of nutrition. They were doing IVs back then, which is a little bit bigger today.
But they were doing what they were, they were utilizing what they call chelating agents, vitamin C & EDTA, to help chelate things out of the bloodstream. That they felt would, you know, cause problems with the blood circulating through the body and healing the body and bringing the nutrients where they’re supposed to be brought to.
And so I was starting to treat a lot of Dr. Kelly’s patients from a physical perspective. And also at the time, as I was building my practice, I got involved with this group. They were called Cancer Victims and Friends, and so it was a whole group of people, they were in their probably 60s and 70s, and they were all trying to promote natural healing for cancer, as opposed to the radical approaches in the medical profession, which weren’t as radical as they are today, we’re talking about 40 years ago.
So I had joined their group and kind of helped them along the way, and they were kind of helping me, they were sending me patients, and I would be giving talks and, and Things like that and kind of helping them find speakers and, you know, put together different, let’s say projects for them to do to help each other get well.
So they were like a whole big team and they just, I think, met once a week. And then once, once a month, we’d have a whole big thing. And so it was great because I got to meet these people. They were in their sixties. They, they, they just wanted a natural approach. They were sick and tired of going through the medical approach and that’s what they wanted.
So any support that I could give them, I was like, you know, I was ready, willing, and able. And so we, I spent a lot of time with them, with a lot of them being cancer patients, obviously, as well as the ones they treat at Dr. Beer’s office. So, as I went through the whole process, my thought was, was simply this because they keep on talking about finding the cure for cancer, finding the cure for cancer, and I’m kind of like, you know, saying the same thing with them.
So I said, you know, this is not really working out because these people, even with the cancer treatment. Some of them were getting well, but most of them really weren’t, especially if they went through choosing the medical route, because now with the chemo and radiation, that causes more damage to the body.
So not only are they fighting some kind of cancer, but now they’re fighting the chemo and the effects of chemo and radiation poisoning their body. And back in the 60s, you know, this is a funny thing. Just like I said, I’ve been around for a long time. Back in the 60s, they said, you know what causes cancer?
Chemicals and radiation. My 15, 20 years later, what are they doing treatment wise? Chemicals and radiation. It’s like one time they said it’s causing cancer. Next time they say it’s curing it. So either way, it’s not really the best way to go. And more of a natural approach is really necessary. Even if you go through chemo and radiation, you still have to try to take care of your health overall.
But it’s so traumatized by the time all that stuff is done to them. It’s kind of like, you know, you’re dealing with, you know, 10 percent of a human being at that point. And just the immune system is so traumatized that there’s not much you can really do. The whole body is so traumatized. So when they kept on going, we’re looking for a cure, the big cure, you know, give us money.
We need a cure. We got to cure cancer. I finally realized, you don’t cure cancer. Okay, the best way, the best way, you know, to cure cancer is to prevent it. That’s the best way. And that’s what I want people, even my patients to know, even if they’re 40 or 50. It’s like, you know, I know you’re coming in for your back pain or some nominal or menial thing that you’re concerned about.
And I’m telling you, in 10, 15, 20 years, if you don’t really take care of what’s going on in your body right now, all of a sudden, you’re going to just go to the doctor one day and go, you got stage 4 cancer. And you, what are you going to do at that point? You know, it’s what they tell you, get your affairs in order and pray, because there’s not much you can do at that point.
And so That’s what I realized. I said, you know what, if I could focus on treating people before they have cancer, it’s so much better than to get them after, after it, after it occurs, because their life has changed forever. Once they develop that kind of cancer or something, something that’s, let’s say terminal.
The medical profession loves to just maintain you. This kind of drags you along, you know, and they don’t really care how you feel. They just want to know, Hey, I keep you alive for five or six years. I don’t care if you feel like crap, it doesn’t really matter.
As long as you keep having, you know, going for five more years. Like, no, no, I want to be happy. I want to be healthy. I want to enjoy my life. I’m going to be sitting here going for IVs for chemo and radiation. I don’t want to do that because I know if I go for the chemo for the next two or three days, I’m vomiting.
I’m losing my hair. Radiation, the same thing. I look like, you know, a skeleton by the time this is all done. And why don’t we want to look like that? You know, it’s like, you know, I look at people like, you know, you look at Ben Franklin, ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, you know, and you know, you look at people like Einstein, you know, Einstein says, great minds solve problems, brilliant minds prevent them.
That’s when I realized you don’t solve this problem, cancer, you prevent it from occurring. And that comes from Einstein, not me. So it’s kind of like looking at, yes, that’s what you have to do. It’s you can’t, and the doctors, there’s no way for them to screen you. By the time they find any kind of cancer, it’s like you’re down.
It’s not like, Oh, I found it yesterday. And it was, you know, this started yesterday. It’s been going off for years and decades. Or they go the exact opposite route, Doc. They, they, they go where it’s like, they’ll find a speck on your breast and they’re going to remove both of them for a female. Or they’ll find, oh, so we got some, you know, we got a little nodule over here on your thyroid, so let’s remove it.
Or it’s like, oh yeah, you have some cyst on your breast, let’s remove it. Or you have, you know, you have some problems with your uterus, you have this, and you know, you’re 35, 40, you’re not going to have any kids anymore, let’s take it out. You know, so it’s kind of things like that did occur that causes further damage to the body as time goes on.
So the goal is to like, look at the patient as a child. And that’s what I do. If you look at a patient, you want, you know, when I look at the medical profession, they just treat sickness and disease. They don’t treat health and wellness. That’s what most people don’t understand. That’s, that’s the difference.
They call it health insurance. It’s really sickness and disease insurance, but the medical profession treats sickness and disease. They look at you, they look at you that you have a disease or you have a sickness and we got to kill the disease and we have to kill the sickness. There’s never about, wait a second, that’s what the body’s job is.
To do this stuff. Let’s give the body what it needs, and you’ll be perfect. And so, the body requires three separate components, or actually the body and the mind. You have to be, and I look at it as a triangle, or a triangle, because one side affects the other. We’re 33, & a third percent chemical. Which is there’s a body of science called chemistry that documents all this.
And then you’re 33 & a third percent physical. We have a physical body and we have a body of science called physics that documents this. And then you have the mental emotional aspect. And so if you can balance chemical, physical, mental, emotional, you’d be fine. And in today’s society, people think, Oh, if I go on a good diet, I’ll be fine.
No, it’s 33 in the 30. You can be on the most perfect diet in the world. You still have a physical body and you still have a mind that’s mental, emotional. And if you conquer those two other areas, you’re going to deal with less and less health as time goes on. And so most people don’t understand that.
Most doctors don’t even understand that. I teach a lot of doctors and I’ll say, you know, what’s the three components of excellent health? They can’t tell me. Maybe one or two that’s, oh, good diet. That’s good. Yeah, you have a sound mind. That’s okay. But they can’t figure all three sides out. And if you’re going to work with patients, that’s what you have to do, especially with a cancer patient.
You have to say, okay, chemically, let’s, let’s see what literally is going on here, put together the right nutritional profile for you. I mean, like the word, use the word diet, because it’s not really conducive to what people talk about food. They just don’t want to diet to lose weight, but it’s going to create a nutritional profile.
That’s really good for you. The foods are beneficial for you. They’re easy to prepare. They give you the greatest amount of nutrients possible. And it costs you very little, you know, as far as money goes. To take care of that thing. Same thing with supplementation. Getting the right supplementation is really important.
I see people taking supplements. What are you taking that for? Well, they told me to take vitamin D or they told me to take this. They told me to take that. I said, but what are you taking it for? Well, you know, it’s like you know, my vitamin D is low. Okay. Well, I understand that. But what, what do you, what, what’s the most important vitamin to you?
What was the most important mineral to you? They don’t know. They go, Oh, C, vitamin A, vitamin D. Well, they’ll say, no, magnesium, calcium. It’s another one you’re lacking. That’s the most important vitamin and mineral. And you can’t look at, I’m going to take this vitamin or that mineral and think it’s going to change anything.
I studied, you know, probably thousands of years of chemistry inorganic biochemistry And organic chemistry and laboratory diagnosis and nutritional support and nutrition and everything. And it’s not that easy. You have 100,000,000,000 cells in your body. Each cell goes through 100,000 chemical reactions per second.
You there’s so many nutrients involved in those reactions that say, well, I’ll take this. I’ll be fine. Is. And then, you know, just ridiculous too. You have to look at like, in total, you have to look at, okay, what’s my macronutrients? My taking the sufficient amount of macronutrients, like my protein, my fats, my carbohydrate, my taking sufficient amount of water.
That’s even more important than vitamins and minerals. But then you also need to look at like how my glands are working, , what do I need to do to support my liver or my thyroid or my pancreas, especially today, type two diabetes. It’s huge. And because it’s huge, because 40 years ago. When they changed the food pyramid and put everybody on a high carb, low fat diet, they just created like a monster.
And 30 years later or 40 years later, people are still freaking out. How’s my cholesterol level? They say it’s high. It’s 200. I don’t even listen to these people. I have no idea what they’re talking about. 200 is fine. Back in the 80s, cholesterol levels were between 225 to 325. And as they started lowering it because, oh, they link cholesterol with heart disease, which is a total lie, total fabrication, that people even today, I talk to them.
It’s like, how’s my cholesterol? Oh, can I eat fat? Oh, I’m not sure if I should be able to do that. My doctor wants me to go below 200. He goes, and my LDLs are so bad. And I said, what’s so bad about your LDLs? Oh, they’re high. I said, do you know what your LDLs do? They don’t even know. They make your sex hormones. Are LDLs bad?
They make your sex hormones. Come on, give me a break. They make phospholipids to protect your brain from things like dementia, premature senility. And they, they also basically, you know, do multiples of other things, actually patch up cell membranes. That’s where they’re found on all these, these membranes in the, especially the blood vessel walls that they just loaded with cholesterol, the LDLs, because they’re protecting the body.
From the damage that the scarring of all those free radicals that you have floating around your blood constantly. So, that’s what’s going on with people, and they’re taking statins, which is the worst thing in the world to do. It’s gumming up your liver, it’s causing all kinds of issues that way, and it’s kind of ridiculous.
Dr David Lemmon- So it depletes your CoQ10 and then that hurts your mitochondria and it’s just this big downward spiral. Ah, so, so many things to change in the world.
Dr James Cima- well, you know, the reality is, and you know, it’s like, even when I watch United States Today and I just see all the crap that’s going on, just with, It’s a general population and all the hate and everybody else is like, get just crazy out there.
If you really look at the worst thing that we have today in our society is the overall health of the United States. That’s number one. That’s the number one issue because that’s going to kill everybody. That’s going to cause, you know, us to go bankrupt over time because we can’t keep on paying out the Medicare and things like that that we’re paying out for and trying to just like, you know, keep it personal.
I mean, they try to keep people alive. I know why they do it because there’s a money factor involved, but the quality of the person’s life is not. You know, it’s not, it’s not worth it. And, and so it’s, it’s something that if you’re going to have people live longer, let’s improve the quality of their lives.
So you can have fun. You can enjoy yourself. I mean, you know, down in Florida, we have a ton of people who come down here, maybe 6 months out of the year. And these people in their 60s and 70s, and they’ll be out there, they’ll be out there playing pickleball, playing tennis, playing golf, you know, Working out with weights, they’ll have their trainer, they’ll go out to dinner with their friends all the time.
They’re just like living, they’re enjoying their life and they’re retired. And they’re fairly wealthy people, don’t get me wrong, but it’s, you know, they’re just enjoying themselves. They have a lot of friends down here and it’s just a nice lifestyle for them. And so I’ll see that that’s the kind of lifestyle that you want, you know, for anybody, and you don’t have to be super wealthy to have that kind of a lifestyle, especially in Florida, it will give you three miles.
And I’m at the beach. Okay, you can’t improve your lifestyle anymore than being on the ocean constantly and getting all those, you know, life renewing qualities and characteristics. So it’s kind of like, you know, you can, you can be broke down here and still be healthy. You can even grow your own, if you can do whatever you want to do.
So it’s not like this thing where, you know, it’s just, you know, geared towards, you know, wealthy people. It’s geared towards everybody. A lot of elderly people. Usually pretty negative as well, except these people, but they’re taking care of themselves, Doc. They really enjoy life.
They’re, they’re having like that, you know, a second, you know, second coming. They just like, okay, great. You know, the kids are out of the house. The kids are grown. We did a great job with them. We’re moving to Florida and we’re just going to enjoy ourselves. And you can’t enjoy yourself if you’re sick and diseased.
So the good thing is that these people, and they come in for treatment, they come in for the nutrition, they come in for the training and they want to get, that’s the patients I love. It’s like, you know, it’s like, I don’t, I don’t really love the patient. I came in, well, I got back pain. Can you take care of my back pain?
No, you need to take care of your back pain. I’ll show you what to do. And I’ll even help you. To explain what to do and all the things you can do to basically get rid of it and keep it that way. You want to educate you. I don’t want you to just like to leave and expect me to always help you when you get in trouble.
I want you to be able to help you. You’re responsible with your body. You listen to the doctor within. If you really start really listening to the doctor within, then you’ll never have any health problems, especially because you don’t have to listen to other doctors because pretty much most doctors lie.
Dr David Lemmon- We’ve really been trained in our society to not listen to those body signals, huh?
Dr James Cima- That’s the worst part. People are so deconditioned from, you know, like feeling it knowing what’s going on with their body. I mean, every day I might be a little bit, you know, more crazy than the average person.
But for decades, I write down every day what I eat, how much protein, how much fat, how much carbohydrates, how do I feel, how’s my energy, what’s my body, you know, it’s like all these different things come, you know, how’s my mind working, you know, I’m not exactly like you call me a spring chicken. I’m 75 years old.
I practice 5 days a week and actually we start in the 2nd practice up in Indian River State College with the veterans. And so I’m putting myself out there even more and so I’ll probably be working at least six days a week or maybe even seven days a week, but I love what I’m doing. So to me, it’s not working.
It’s like creating things, helping other doctors, you know, putting this whole thing together with Indian River State College. To me, it’s enjoyable. It’s a lot of fun. And that’s the other thing that people should want to think about. It’s like, stop this retirement stuff. You know, don’t, don’t ever retire because you don’t want to retire from life.
You want to read it, whatever you do in life. If you really enjoyed it, do it part time, do some, or maybe pick something that you, you always want it to be, you know, something you really want it to be. And you never were able to do it because of time and money, do something like that part time, but just have something that you’re really enthusiastic about.
They get you up in the morning so that you feel like I gotta get out of bed. I gotta do this. And it’s, and, you know, cause you just love what you, what you’re being and what you’re doing, which you haven’t.
Dr David Lemmon- Did Dr. Beard use the metabolic typing for different diets like Kelly did?
Dr James Cima- Yes, that’s who gave me the information because once I started to work with him, I, like I said, I got a lot of Kelly’s manuals and start to really study and learn them myself. And then I start to put together blood chemistry analysis as well to determine that. So I use the combination of what Kelly decided that you would need to determine what kind of a diet you should be on because he used 13 to 14 different factors, usually calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, cholesterol, triglycerides, red blood cells.
He used a whole bunch of different, different tests. So we put together those tests so I can look at what kind of a diet the patient should be on. And then with Dr. Brockman, he studied blood chemistry analysis and utilized that to determine glandular and organ malfunction. Just the way the doctor would say, oh, you’re a diabetic or you have a thyroid problem or you have a problem with your liver or your gallbladder or your, you know, ovaries or whatever it was, he would find that, but what his good thing was, he took the pathological ranges in the lab test and narrowed them down.
So you could basically see like, okay, there’s an issue starting to occur with your gallbladder, your pancreas months or years before, and you wouldn’t just use one test like people like that. Oh, your cholesterol is high. So we’ll put you on a statin. No, if your cholesterol is high, if it’s considered high, there’s I think 72 different combinations of glands organs that could cause that problem of cholesterol.
So just putting a person on the statin and not getting to the cause. If there is a reason for the high cholesterol, even if there isn’t, at least you can determine that. So you look at clusters of tests to determine what glands or organs are malfunctioning and you talk to the patient. You look at what their symptomatology is.
You know, if you see that the adrenals are like, oh, here’s a perfect example, a big adrenal indicator back in the 80s. Oh, it’s still a big adrenal indicator is called alkaline phosphatase. Now, high alkaline phosphatase kind of leads to, let’s say, bone cancer somewhere down the line. But, so they used to take these to keep the ranges of alkaline phosphatase between 80 and 150.
Okay. So you have a fall within that. So now what happened was, it’s like I told you, it’s besides like for bone cancer and things like that, it also impacts the fact of how well the pancreas is working. Okay. So. Back in the 80s, we were basically more healthy than we are today. And alkaline phosphatase back then was between 80 and 150.
You know what the low for alkaline phosphatase is today? 30. And the reason why is because they have to create a bell curve. And so the sicker we get, this is what I don’t understand, they still have to put all those people in the curve. And when you do that, you just put sicker people in the curve to get them in there.
So instead of it being 80, it went to 70, I watched it, 60, it went to 50, it went to 40, it went to 30, it’s kind of insane, and I think it’s fine because if it’s high, you got cancer, if it’s low, they don’t care. The same thing with these other tests, they’re called ALT and AST today, if you look at some of the labs, their range goes from zero, To 40 or 50 and I’m like zero way to say, that’s a, that’s a liver function test at zero.
You’re dead. So you can never be too low. It’s like, you can be at 7 and they think you’re fine. It’s like, no, your liver should be at around 35, 40 ALT or AST. And they don’t, they don’t look at it that way because if it’s super high, then you have cirrhosis of the liver, or you have some kind of cancer developing, but if it’s too low, they don’t care.
Same thing with cholesterol. Oh, we just gotta get it lower. What’s too low? Oh, never, never low enough. Got to get underneath 150, it’s like you’re killing people and you see dementia’s on the rise. You see, you know, all the stuff that’s going on with their overall health is on the rise. And it’s a lot of us because of, you know, statins and reducing cholesterol.
And the liver produces 80%, the statin basically prevents that from occurring. So now you have to deal with the effects of the statins as well. So it’s been a really crazy ride. Even looking at blood chemistry analysis, the ranges have changed dramatically over the last 40, 50 years, and part of it’s they got to get everybody in the bell curve, or they just want to say, well, if it’s high, it’s no good.
If it’s low, that’s fine. And nothing can be further from the truth. And you have to look at the whole test. You have to look at everything, but it’s literally a biochemical blueprint. You know of your chemistry just like your fingerprints. There’s one fingerprint for every human being in the world.
There’s one blueprint biochemically for you. And that’s your blood test. Nobody has a blood test like yours similar to it. That’s you. That’s your biochemistry of your body. And the good thing about it is, like I said, with blood test. The good thing is over time, if you put them on the right diet, the right supplements, you’d make the changes.
So six months to a year later, you check them out if they’ve been doing their nutritional profile properly, they’ve been taking their supplements, then you can look back and see what’s going on. There may be change. There may not be change. There may be great change. There may be, you know, going down the wrong one.
And you have to like, you know, reprogram and figure out what it is that you need to do. But the majority of times you put patients at the right nutrition, right supplements, right treatment, right frame of mind. You have, you always have some really great results with people. And you just improve the quality of their life.
That’s my goal. I want you to live longer, but the quality has got to be there. If it’s not there, it’s a waste of time.
Dr David Lemmon- Exactly. So with all of your experience, what other advice do you have for preventing and for people going through the cancer healing process now? What natural support would you offer someone who is dealing with cancer right now?
Dr James Cima- The one thing that they should definitely all have, they should have some kind of a support team, whether it’s people like themselves. Like I said, with the Cancer Victors and Friends, they were like a good support team for one another because they cared about each other.
And they had that good support because it’s really tough on your spouse or or your next of kin to have to deal with this on their own. So they have to have that. Another thing that they really want to start changing with. Like, we spoke about even when I was talking with, , Dr.
Beard said that the mental emotional approach to cancer is really, really great because, you know, not that it ever was told to me, but the devastating effects that when a doctor says “you have cancer.” That’s just like, it’s like somebody taking a baseball bat and cracking it over the back of the head.
And it’s just like, you’re devastated. What do you do? Well, we got to run a PET scan, a CAT scan, you know, a canary scan, everything we got to run on you. But that’s what we’re going to have to do. And then we’re going to have to possibly do chemo, radiation. We got to talk to this doctor, that doctor, and it’s just a nightmare.
And it doesn’t go on for days. It doesn’t go on for weeks. It doesn’t go on for months. It starts to go on for literally years as time goes on and they put you on this and try this and try that. But you know what? You’re always afraid that’s going to come back. And so I think that you really have to get your mind in that really good position.
And you have to condition your mind for success on this thing, because this is, this is going to be one of the greatest battles you ever had in your life. And have to condition your mind to win. It’s not like, you know, there’s no second place. I do this to win. I do this to regain my health. And there’s a whole way that you can do that.
And in my book, Achieving Unlimited Health, I did a whole section and I did the same thing with the, I wrote a book, How To Lose More Weight And Never Diet Again back in 1988. Cause I knew we were going to have an obesity problem. Now, I didn’t think it was as bad as it’s going to be, but it’s worse than I thought it would be.
But it was you know, it’s kind of like. Even the one heavy more lose weight and never diet again, because they knew I’m dealing with people that have a weight problem as before you condition anything. Your exercise, your nutrition, you have to condition your mind for success. And if you’re not going to do that, you’re not going to be successful because any little thing that’s going to come along is just going to blow you right out of the water.
So if you start conditioning your mind to be, you know, to be healthy and all the things that you need to do to do that, then you’re going to start really putting together some kind of program and you’re going to develop a belief in yourself and belief in your body. And that’s what a lot of people don’t, don’t even know that they don’t believe that there were doctors themselves.
And that’s where you get the worst part about it. They don’t believe that the body can heal itself. And so they push that on you too. And you don’t think that the body can heal itself. And people don’t even know that. And they say, you know, you have a brand new body every six months to a year. You know that John?
No, I didn’t know that every cell in your body is repaired and rebuilt. It’s like, why would you not think that the body can’t heal itself? It doesn’t. If you took a plant and didn’t give it the right water, didn’t give it the right sunlight, the right temperature, the right soil, it’s going to die. And once it starts dying, could you bring it back to life?
Absolutely. Give it the right water, right sunlight, right temperature, right soil and the right foods to eat. And you’re going to have a beautiful plant again. If God will do that for a plant, he’ll do that for a human being. I mean, that’s the reality. You did the body chemically, physically known, nourish it chemically, physically, mentally, emotionally, but you gotta do it mentally, emotionally first doc, because you’re in a depressed state.
You know, just on an emotional level, you’re depressed, you’re beaten, and don’t forget how you feel, you know, at that particular point, you didn’t go to the doctor because you were feeling great most of the time, you went because you were feeling, you know, not so good, and you had everything checked out, and you realized, wow, there’s some problems here, and so, and same thing with heart disease, you have a heart attack, they do the open heart surgery, you get a twinge in your chest, Having another heart attack.
You’re monitoring your blood pressure, monitoring your pulse rate, you’re monitoring everything else out there. If it goes a little haywire, you freak out. Oh, we got to put, you know, we got to put this on you. I’m going to do this. We got to test that. You’re going to see how your heart’s pumping. We’re going to have to maybe do, you know, something we’re going to do medically to try to figure out what’s going on with your heart.
And you’re freaking out. It could be just something simple. Like, we do a lot of work. Like I said, visceral somatic work is something simple. It’s just like working with the vagus nerve just to slow the heart down just a little, pulse rate down, blood pressure down and just everything feeling good as opposed to going in and taking 10,000 tests and still having 10,000 tests to go.
I don’t know. It doesn’t make sense. And it doesn’t want to put you on chemo and radiation or medications, which is totally useless because the medication is geared to remove your symptoms. If it removes your symptom, then it’s not telling the body like what was causing the problem to begin with.
Exactly. The whole medical profession needs to be revamped. It really does. It’s going to be impossible because, between the AMA, and all the other societies involved with that, you know, it’s just not going to happen. And with the pharmaceutical firms, they’ll lose too much money trying to do natural things.
Dr David Lemmon- So, you know, all we can do is keep educating and reminding people that the body has a healing mechanism and it’s meant to heal itself. And if you have a sore hip, you don’t have to get a hip replacement, but your hip can actually heal itself.
Dr James Cima- Exactly. You know, you know how many times this is, this is really true.
People come in, and say I got to go for a hip replacement. Why? Oh, I have bone on bone. I said, so what? Doesn’t mean anything. Well, you can help that? Yeah, I can help it. It’s like, all we’re going to wind up doing is simply this. We’re going to basically work with it, get the hip joint back in alignment. There’s still cartilage cells that will make and renew the cartilage and you’ll be fine.
We’re going to do the right exercises. Stop doing exercises that cause you more damage to your hip. Like I see people with hip problems. I see them walking and it’s like, you shouldn’t be walking until you get rid of the pain. You should be stretching, maybe doing some exercises to help rehab the hip, which is totally different than exercising like you’re doing and get it feeling better. And then when you get rid of the hip pain, you feel great. I mean, I, how I got into this profession was at 15. I hurt my back really bad shooting the shotgun. And It was so bad, doc, that there were times I couldn’t get off the floor. And I’m like 16, 17, 18, but then I’d get better.
And then it, but it was always there. By the time I got out of school, I was up at Cornell and I was teaching. It was getting worse. And I’m 22, 23. And I’m over at my girlfriend’s house one time and I’m laying on the floor and a father’s friend comes over to me and goes, what’s wrong with you? I said, my back is killing me.
He goes, don’t worry. It’s going to get worse. As you get older, he steps and walks out the front door. And I’m like, I don’t know whether to curse at him or to love him. Because I said, he’s right. I mean, I’m 24 at the time, and I’m in severe pain. I, what happens when I’m 30, 40. I’m thinking ahead now.
And I’m saying, this is, I don’t know what I got to do. Luckily I found it about chiropractic, went to a chiropractor, got some relief and said, that’s the one. I want to be a chiropractor because when you have that kind of bad back pain, when, you know, you’re in a house and you’re laying on the floor, if there was a fire, you couldn’t get out of the house because you couldn’t, you couldn’t move.
You couldn’t walk. Going to the commode was like a challenge. Okay. When you got there, it was like, well, what do I do now? I got so much pain. I can’t bear down. I can’t do anything. And so, and I’m like 20 and I’m in fairly good shape. I was, you know, you see, when I was a kid, I used to play golf. I used to box and ski.
But it was just like, I didn’t know when my back was going to go out. And if it did, it was like curtains. It wasn’t like, but if you said to me, you have back pain, I’d say, yeah, it’s like kind of numb and I never really like was able to deal with it until I got to chiropractic and even chiropractic itself didn’t help.
I had to learn how to do flexibility, stretching, weight training, eat properly, and things like that. And so all those different things and getting the muscle worked and neuromuscular that we spoke about all those things really helped me get well and so now I’m like I said 75 years old have no back pain.
None whatsoever. I play golf. I don’t really play golf. I get a lot of golf balls and I just train a lot. And, you know, I work on patients, you know, like I said, 5 days a week, 6 days will be 6 days now. But my back is in great shape because I stretch every day. I know the right weight training exercises to do to make my back stronger is a combination of squats, deadlifts, leg presses, all those different things you want to do to strengthen your low back and your legs.
But it’s just a whole methodical way to train. And I learned that from bodybuilders back in the early eighties. And so I realized that, that, that was really important. Once I started training properly, once I started stretching properly and getting all the muscle work, the back pain got less and less and less and less.
Now, like I said, could I hurt myself? Yeah, but it will just be like a little setback, a little temporary thing in a few days. I’m fine. But other than that, it’s like, you know, I just like, I enjoy life. I just, I’m happy. I can do things pain free. And then at this age, people aren’t pain free.
Even if they think they’re in good health, doc, they kind of walk around like crippled animals. You know, I see, I see crippled animals or wounded animals. walk, have more ambulatory methods than these. They can’t. And now I belong to PGA National Golf Club. So I get, there’s a lot of people that I know, you know, just friends and people that I’ve met throughout the decades up at, at, up at the members club.
And these people are in their seventies. And they, these, and they can just about barely walk. They go out, if it’s cart path only, they can’t play golf. I see somebody go, they’re walking to the bathroom. I don’t understand how they even get to the bathroom. Cause the bathroom is like maybe 30, 40 yards away.
And it’s kind of like, I see that. And they’re, they’re, they’re walking around. They’re almost bewildered. These people have been in the club for like decades. They walk like, where am I? As you know, their mind is starting to go. And like I said, I’ve been watching now for 15 years and I’ll be saying things like, ah, you know, I can’t hit the ball far anymore.
I told most of my patients, you know, the best, best advice I can give you as far as like club selection, the best piece of equipment you can get. Take care of your body. And you’ll be fine.
Dr David Lemmon- That’s amazing parting advice. Take care of your body and you’ll be fine. So if people are interested in learning more about you, where can they go?
Dr James Cima- They can actually, you can go to my website. It’s called cimahealth and it’s cimahealth.com. And also there you can possibly get a copy of my, I have two books.
I have one right over here. It’s called Achieving Unlimited Health. Okay, I wrote this, oh, maybe about 10, 12 years ago, because I was really concerned about my patients. I really said, you know, they need to understand what health is so they can take care of it themselves. And that’s why I wrote the book.
And when I wrote the book, it was like, okay, this is what they need to do. I want to give them the 20 percent to give me 80 percent of the results. So, if I can get them functioning properly on a mental emotional level. Physical level and the chemical level. If I even produce increased at 5 percent of each side, you just increased, you know, from a, you know, just an arithmetic type situation to a geometric.
So that 15 percent translates out to 20% 25% 30%. So, that’s the reason why, that’s the reason why I did that. So, you can go, like I said, cimahealth, Cima Functional Medicine, you can get those books online at Cima Functional Medicine. And the PDF copies, you can get those for free, or you can go on Amazon and purchase it there too as well.
So, yeah. But we’re in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. It’s a great place to come down and visit. If you definitely want to come down, it’s a nice way. We do have patients that do come down from different areas of the country I have patients that I’ve treated patients for like 50 years.
No, not 50 years, 45. So, and then when you get to know these people and now they’re like, you know, who’s 90, who’s 95, 96. And it’s just so great to have them around. So
Dr David Lemmon- That’s a great place for medical tourism to have a practice in Florida.
Dr James Cima- Yep. Perfect. Well, that’s one of the things that I thought that I really want, that this is my goal. My goal is to put a health resort on the ocean so that, this way, people can come down with their families if they want. And be able to come down and and get their overall health and not just them, but their whole family. Also, just a retreat for maybe CEOs or people that like really have to be high function in their job and have to have really great help for them to as well, but I want to cut family type of thing and all that so that when people come down, they come down and enjoy their vacation at the same time, get healthy because over here, being on the ocean, you got the golf, you got the tennis, you got the ocean, you got the swimming, you got the scuba diving, you got the fishing, you got the You got everything that you want over here to just be healthy.
So it’s a nice, nice way to bring your family down. They just, everybody can, you know, enjoy themselves between the kids or, you know, the wife and everybody, they’ll learn how to eat, they’ll get blood chemistry analysis, they’ll get treatment, they’ll have a nice exercise program put together with them by the trainers, so that this way they understand these are the things that they should do.
So it’s kind of like, you know, a Disneyland for health. That’s, that’s, that’s what I like to do. And actually probably cost you less to go here than to Disney. The expenses that it is right now. It’s incredible.
Dr David Lemmon- Thank you so much, Dr. Cima. Some amazing advice and natural support for cancer patients out there.
Dr James Cima- And so wonderful to meet you today. And we’ll talk to you soon. Doc. It was a pleasure meeting you. And it was great. I really appreciate the talk and I appreciate all that you’re doing too, because all this stuff is like anything you can bring out to the general public about cancer and stuff, because even when you look at cancer, if you put cancer in or whatever it is, anything that comes up is all geared from the medical profession, the AMA, pharmaceutical companies, putting out their crap and they say, Oh, if you got this, yeah, do this, but now you should be doing this.
This medication. So you don’t even get, you don’t even get real true advice anymore. You get all this makeshift crap that all these old wives tales, but you know, the AMA and the pharmaceutical companies had put together such a beautiful, I can’t, I’ll tell you one thing. I really commend them on their ability to brainwash people.
I really do because, you know, back in the early eighties, you were not allowed to, to advertise pharmaceuticals on TV over the counter. No problem. But pharmaceuticals. No. And I said, you know, they would never do that because they have to tell you all what they call side effects. I call them diseases because that’s what they are.
Can’t have symptoms without a disease. And, but they would never do that. Sure enough, they did it, but they put the music in people, dancing, smiling, eating dinner, and you, Oh, that’s so nice. It’ll generally show the people in the hospitals, like on the, on the ventilator, that they don’t show. They don’t show any of that crap.
Dr David Lemmon- Oh, yeah. It’s really fun to make fun of those. And when they slip the may cause death, and may cause cancer, really fast in the fine print and then hope you don’t notice.
Dr James Cima- Yeah. And the great thing is like, people like you are at least exposing some of this stuff, putting doctors on it. They’ve been dealing with this from a natural approach.
So people can see, like, this is not just, this is not just a medical traditional approach that we can look at. We have to look at other aspects.
Dr David Lemmon- Yeah. At least integrative, if not, if not fully natural, it’s the only way to go.
Dr James Cima- Yeah. Without a doubt. By the way, you look really healthy, doc.
Dr David Lemmon- Oh, You as well. Not very many wrinkles on that 75 year old face doing amazing.
Dr James Cima- Thank you.
Dr David Lemmon- Alright. Take good care.
Dr James Cima- Have a great night. Enjoy yourself. Bye bye.